Monday, February 22, 2016

Prolific Academic Review

Prolific Academic  is one of the best survey sites out there today so I'll write a detailed review below. The site provides high-paying surveys in dollars/hour, a smooth, easy to use interface, awesome pre-screening, and quick and easy payouts to Paypal. Prolific Academic is one of the main sites I use and it's constantly open in my browser. This is one site you don't want to miss out on. The site is centered around academic research and it's very similar to taking surveys for academic researchers on Amazon's Mturk. However with Prolific, the interface is much faster and easier to use than Mturk.

Each survey on Prolific Academic gives you the average time of completion and the payout up front. The site even gives you a calculation based on the average time to complete and the total payout in terms of pay per hour. The site is based in the UK and all payouts are listed in the form of British Pounds. This is good news however since as of writing the pound is more valuable than the U.S. dollar. Most surveys have payout rates in excess of 5 GBP per hour, sometimes quite a bit more. Payout can be accomplished once you reach 5 GBP via Paypal, the transfer usually is complete within a day or two and I've personally cashed out several hundred dollars in the past year. Paypal will convert the money to USD if you so choose. With all these benefits, not using this site to do online surveys is just plain dumb.

The site asks you several pre-screening questions when you register with the site and continually updates their bank of questions to match you to surveys. The screening questions are saved in your profile and can be updated at any time. Those questions are then used to target surveys to you that you already qualify for. I don't think I have ever been screened out of a survey from Prolific Academic. Some of the surveys may have requirements for webcams or certain devices that I usually skip, but the survey will let you know of these requirements in advance.

Being that Prolific Academic provides one of the best survey-taking platforms in the world today, it is very popular among survey-takers. The surveys on the site fill very fast, sometimes within a few minutes of becoming available. Since the surveys fill so quickly, I highly recommend using a page-refresher to help you check for surveys as they come available. Usually I let the page-refresher run as I do other things on the computer or do surveys on other sites and then swap over to Prolific once a survey becomes available since the payout rates are so good. Here's a link to the site if you want to Sign up!

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